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The 6 mistakes of every novice billiard player

If you're starting out in billiard, you're very likely to make the same mistakes we all made in our beginnings. It is normal and has remedy: practice, practice and more practice. So that you can progress faster, today I bring you the 6 frequent mistakes of every novice billiard player (and how to avoid them). Cue ready? Here we go!

Los 6 errores de todo billarista novato

1- Do not put chalk

Flaw number 1: You have not gotten used to chalk before each shot. You come to play with friends in the bar and chalk once every 14 balls. It's time to change your mind and start spending chalk faster for two reasons: 1) you'll do less crap and 2) it will help you build a game routine.

2- Go to the room to “shoot balls"

Well if you dare to train alone for a long time. Bad if you only spread balls on the table and enter successively without plan. As entertainment is worth but to progress you need to do specific exercises, what Anglo-American billiard players call drills.

3- The rigid grip hand

Between the nerves and the insecurities, the normal thing is that you shoot your first balls very rigid. The back hand (known in billiard slang as grip) holds the cue too tightly, and this generates an irregular movement that does not interest us. The key is to hold the butt without force, and from here balance the butt gently while you are aiming. If you do not know how to place the hand, put it the same as when you hold a zucchini (or any cylindrical object).

4- Tipping the cue

When we started we tipped the cue too much. That is to say, we raise too much the back (and often also the front hand, the one of the bridge). Lower it as much as you can, the more parallel to the table, the better.

5- Feet too close together

The feet of a billiard player are super important, almost as much as his hands. Why? Because they give us stability and allow us to be well (or poorly) lined up in the shot. In our beginnings we are so worried to put our hands like touches and to aim the ball correctly that we forget the feet. This is why we often place them too close to one another or the other way around. If you are right-handed, the left foot should be slightly more forward than the right one. If you are left-handed, your right foot should be slightly more forward than your left foot. The distance between them depends on the player, neither very open nor very closed: you should always feel comfortable.

6- Excess of force

And, finally, error number 6 hyper frequent: you have strength in most shots. When you start you still have in mind the idea of ??"strong shot and so surely I put some in hole.” When you get used to shooting softer, you will see how everything is simplified and the game becomes easier for three reasons: less risk of being deflected the shot, more possibilities to put the ball and better white control.

You know, if you're making your first few hits in pool, try to avoid these six typical mistakes and you'll make a good leap. It is best that you take advantage of the presence of some experienced player to solve doubts or even point to billiard classes. This game requires a lot of practice but first you need some bases.

Can you think of any other mistake that all the billiard players have made in the beginning? Leave it in the comments: