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The 10 Commandments of Billiards

As in any other sport, there are a number of official rules in billiards. The black ball has to be putted last. If you choose striped, then you can not enter the non striped balls. Or if you commit fault, then it's a ball in hand for the opponent. But in addition to those rules that sometimes annoy us, these are unwritten rules that should also be complied with. These are the 10 commandments of billiards

1- If while you are aiming the ball, you think that you are going to fail, there is a 99% chance that you fail. Sometimes 100%

2- The balls are your friends, not your enemies. So treat them well, take care of them, love them as much as you can. Otherwise, they will take the side of your opponent. And that does not interest us.

3- If you brush a move unintentionally and nobody has seen you, be honest. For the sake of your karma and out of respect for your rival, hand over the ball. Fair play first of all, but then we can not say that billiards is a sport of horsemanship.

Related post: The best defensive plays in billiards

4- After putting a stratospheric shot, you have a 99% chance of failing the next shot. Sometimes 100% You come up, you flip over the shot you just nailed and it turns out that you now fail the one that is a hand's breadth from the embrasure.

5- It is normal to lose. So it's no use to break down after a defeat. The vast majority of billiard players lose many more times than we win. Only super pros end the year with a positive balance of wins / losses.

6- Putting in balls is important, but to dominate the white much more. Without this, you will never finish a game. So whenever it's your turn to train alone, spend at least the same time sharpening your aim than moving the white ball.

7- Other player's chalks should not be touched or stolen. Keep your hands on your own chalk!!

8- If you fail a ball is not because of the cloth, because someone moved while shooting or because yesterday you didnt have enough sleep. If you fail, it's your fault, only yours. So, no excuses. If you use excuses, nobody will believe you and you will be pretty bad.

9- There is no infallible trick to become a champion. Well yes, one. Practice, practice, practice and, when you get tired, practice even more. Billiard is a very technical game, needs routine, which requires learning the theory well but above all dominate the table at your fingertips. You need many hours of training to get your arm used to each type of shot and to get your body to play alone, without thinking. Without forgetting that it is not enough to train, you have to compete.

10- The pro players will never reveal their biggest secret. They always keep it to themselves. But what they can not cover is their way of playing, so watch them, study them and learn all of them. A clue: look at how little they usually risk. The best hint, hit the white ball always (or almost always) in the center, it may be your big secret.

These are only 10 commandments but surely we could get many more. Which ones are yours? We are waiting for your comments :)

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