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3 reasons why you should not use spin shots too often

The purpose of spin shots is clear: "alter" the natural trajectory of the white ball. This means, when hitting the ball or band, the ball behaves differently than it should if you hit right in the center.

Types of spins: lateral (left or right), upper or lower.

And when should you use spins? Simple: when it is the only way to achieve the shot / placement we want or need. The problem is that many billiard players use spin shots even when they are not strictly necessary. And that is why they suffer from these three side effects:

1. Change of course

The first and most important side effect of playing with spin shoots is what is known as deflection. When you use side spin (left or right), the white ball suffers a deviation in its trajectory towards the objective ball. If the spin is to the left, the white ball deflects a little to the right. If the spin is to the right, the white ball deflects a little bit to the left.

And that "small deflection" is very difficult to calculate because it depends on several factors: the amount of spin, the distance between balls, the pulling force or the type of cloth.

To the variable trajectory of the white ball must also add the change that occurs in the objective ball. Depending on the rotation of the white ball, the other ball also suffers a small detour.

Therefore, the more you play with spins, the higher chance you have that the effect will make you miss the ball or make a terrible shot.

2. Losing control of the white ball

Billard is pure physics: angles, trajectories, distances, forces ... If you hit the white ball in the center (no spin), it is more or less easy to determine how it will behave after striking with another ball or hitting the band . It usually bounces away with the same input angle, as if it is a mirror.

On the other hand, if you apply some spin, it is much more difficult to control its trajectory and to know where it will go.

3. Risk of missing the shot

The third side effect is missing the shot. Playing with soins increases the risk of suffering them (because we are hitting the white ball to the side). Hence it is more necessary to put chalk correctly and oftenly.

Related post: Why should we put chalk on the billiard cue?

After reading this, should you stop making spin shots?

No, just use them wisely, only when strictly necessary.

You know the saying: less is more. In pool, too.

Do you have good spin shot tricks? Do you think you use them too much? I await your comments.