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5 reasons why billiard players fail

Do you know what we have in common Efren Reyes, Semih Sayginer, the bar billiarder, you and me? That we failed. Good or bad, champions or beginners, we all fail. Making mistakes is a necessary part of any game and only the one who is willing to screw it up is the one who ultimately gets results. The key here is not to collapse. To better understand why we failed and try to avoid those errors, in this week's post we talk about the 5 most frequent failure reasons.

5 motivos por los que fallamos los billaristas

Before going into detail in the five points, it is important to be clear that failure is always the consequence of something, the result. It is not a matter of giving importance to the error, but to the fact that caused it. And there come the five causes:

1- Lack of knowledge

Many billiard players fail for lack of technical or tactical knowledge. That is, because they do not dominate the reaction of the balls or do not control certain facets of the game. For example, in a play by band, they do not touch their ball because they do not know how to calculate the diamonds. The only way to remedy such failures is to study more billiards.

2- Negative thoughts

The second great cause of failure is the negative thoughts that come and go in our head. "I'm going to fail," "I'm not sure what's going to happen next," "I'm losing 3-0," "The rival is better than me." Each time we send ourselves some of these messages we are unconsciously propitiating the failure. Remedy? Train and compete more to gain confidence and be able to counteract those thoughts when they come, with positive messages.

3- Fears or insecurities

Closely related to the second cause are the player's fears and insecurities. Fear of what the rival or the audience of you may think, to lose, to do well but to fail the last ball. Insecurity for having trained little the last days or for having missed some easy shooting. Again, the key here is to gain confidence based on positive thoughts and trainings.

4- Pressure situations

A classic in the art of failing, situations of pressure. Every billiard player knows how to put everything into training, but when the time comes, the arm shrinks, the hole becomes small ... Managing pressure well is one of the biggest difficulties of billiards (and any sport). The only way to get it is to submit to it a lot, to live constantly under pressure for it to become a routine, something normal.

5- Erroneous elections

Finally, the fifth cause of failure is often our wrong choices. We choose the wrong shot, we mis plan the play or we go to the attack when we should defend. If you look, this motif drinks from all of the above: we chose badly for not knowing the game well, for having some negative thinking, for insecurity or because we are under pressure. If you improve the above points, you will automatically take fewer wrong decisions.

And you, why do you think you fail normally? Leave it in the comments :)